Clearance items are available while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods ordered are not available. Clearance item are non-returnable. Clearance items may not be available in all locations, and can not be transferred from one store to another.
We face a myriad of challenges each and every day. Cleaning clogged drains, thankfully, no longer has to be one of them--thanks to the ShowerShroom. ShowerShroom is a shower stall hair stopper that fits snug inside your shower drain, effortlessly gathering each and every hair that tries to make its way down your vulnerable drain. It's the hero you deserve in your bathroom. You can rest easy knowing that ShowerShroom works great for all kinds of hair-- human and pet alike. No more plumber bills.
ShowerShroom has now been updated for maximum compatibility with virtually all stand-up shower stall drains
ShowerShroom is meant to replace your stand-up shower stall grate - it is not for bath tub or bathroom sink drains
When it's time to clean up, simply wipe ShowerShroom off and go
No harsh chemicals and no more tangled messes to worry about