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This Louisville 20 foot fiberglass extension ladder has a 250lb load capacity, rated ANSI Type I. It is equipped with the MAXLOCK rung lock, custom engineered from a patented, advanced molecular polymer, MAXLOCK is the strongest, toughest, lightest rung lock ever made. This ladder includes the patented QuickLatch RungLock system that provides a simple, intuitive method of securing the fly and base sections of the ladder when extended. The ladder features outside slide guides, D-shaped rungs fully serrated for a slip resistant surface, non-marring rail end caps, rope and pulley, and steel swivel safety shoes with metal shield to be used with the tread down or in spike position. The Louisville FE1720 fiberglass extension ladder meets or exceeds the safety standards set by ANSI, CSA, and OSHA.
Includes our custom engineered MAXLOCK that is made from a patented and advanced molecular polymer. Our MAXLOCK is the strongest toughest lightest rung lock ever made