Clearance items are available while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods ordered are not available. Clearance item are non-returnable. Clearance items may not be available in all locations, and can not be transferred from one store to another.
Shawshank LEDz by Robert Vasquez and Brian Freeland. The two had worked together previously in the Christmas industry by inventing and patenting clips to put your lights up on your house without a ladder. This is where they learned about inventing products and selling to retailers. In 2006 they opened up independently owned hardware stores and began to learn what it takes to be a retailer. They began life to fill a need for incremental impulse goods for their own hardware stores. They sought quality-affordable impulse items for their stores.
Utilizes 12v cigarette outlet for charging
Recharges in most 12 volt outlets in cars and boats