Leviton's decora duplex receptacles are designed for a chic appearance, quick installation and durability. The impact-resistant thermoplastic design allows for a long service life and high performance in homes, offices, schools and other settings. It also coordinates beautifully with Leviton's complete line of Decora devices.
Quickwire push-in terminals accept #14 AWG solid copper wire only
Durable - impact-resistant thermoplastic nylon construction
TR symbol on strap assures they meet the latest NEC requirements
Terminal screws accept up to #12 AWG copper or copper-clad wire
Shallow depth for maximum wiring room
Double-wipe power contacts for reliable conductivity and plug retention
Heavy-gauge zinc-plated steel mounting strap
Additional material added to strap to help reinforce and prevent excessive bending of the break-off tabs
Shutter mechanism inside the receptacle blocks access to the contacts unless a two-prong plug is inserted, helping ensure hairpins, keys, etc., will be locked out