Clearance items are available while supplies last. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods ordered are not available. Clearance item are non-returnable. Clearance items may not be available in all locations, and can not be transferred from one store to another.
FurZapper removes pet hair from your clothing while you wash and dry your clothes. FurZapper helps remove fur, hair, lint, dander and other debris on your clothes, bedding, jackets, dresses, blankets, sheets and anything that you wash and dry. FurZapper is made from a very soft, tacky, flexible material that grabs dog or car fur and hair, pulls it from the clothes, and washes it down the drain or into your lint trap.
Re-usable, easy, and self-cleaning
Safe for all clothing, non-toxic, hypo-allergenic
The patented pet fur remover helps remove fur, hair, lint, dander and more on your clothes, pet bed, jackets, blankets, and more