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If there's one collection designers are raving over, this is it. Our Rockmount Stacked Stone Panel Collection includes full sized 6x24 panels as well as smaller 4.5x16M-Series Stacked Stone Panels. Both ledger panel lines come in an inspirational array of looks and finishes refined rustic to contemporary chic, split-faced to 3D honed in stones such as marble, slate, travertine, and quartzite. A natural choice for outdoor applications such as barbeque surrounds, planter walls, and architectural features, these from-the-Earth beauties are equally enchanting indoors giving backsplashes, accent walls, fireplace facades, and other vertical applications unmistakable character. In addition, all Rockmount stacked stone panels are modular in design, which allows for groutless, seamless installation
Brown Wave Stacked Stone panels are sleek and refined. These honed finished natural sandstone panels feature warm browns and mochas. Use to create stunning contemporary wall features, fireplace accents, bathtub and shower surrounds, and backsplashes throughout the home. Suitable for exterior applications including cladding, and other architectural features. Matching corners are available to finish off projects.