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Save yourself thousands of dollars in water damage by using the Guardian Leak Detector. Whether you’re worried about a broken washing machine, an overflowing sump pump, or a leaking water heater, Guardian has your back! Install the Guardian Valve Controller (sold separately) over your existing metal quarter turn ball valve (from ½” - 1”) in minutes without any tools or pipe cutting, and place the Guardian Leak Detector near any appliance or fixture that might leak. The moment the Leak Detector senses water, extreme cold, or an earthquake, they will automatically shut off your water main to prevent further damage, and you will receive a notification on your phone via the Guardian app.
Use the free iOS and Android app to configure your system and monitor or control it from anywhere in the world
Minimum requirements: Guardian valve controller, iOS or Android smartphone with Bluetooth and internet access (for set up only), Wi-Fi with internet access (for remote control and notifications only)
Also use to be alerted of freezing temperatures
A waterproof housing and 15-year battery life ensure long-term reliability and performance
The Leak Detector senses water using five different points of detection to provide installation flexibility