Buggins Insect Repellent IV - Performance Clean Scent contains 25 percent Deet for effective, pleasant-smelling protection from mosquitoes, biting gnats, black flies and no-see-ums. If you are really bothered by mosquitoes but don't like wearing repellent because of the way it smells, this product is for you. This formula provides effective protection from mosquitoes and biting flies - gnats, midges, black flies, deer flies, sand flies and stable flies. It also repels ticks, chiggers and fleas from treated skin. The fine mist pump spray allows easy application to skin, hair and clothing. See product label for precautions and directions for use.
Also repels deer ticks that may carry lyme disease
In a national survey, Buggins insect repellents placed second for consumer retention in the insect repellent category