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An Ideal choice for occasional users like property owners and commercial cutters. This .325 pitch .050 gauge chain offers Low-Vibration, Micro Chisel cutters that have small radius working corners for excellent performance and easy maintenance, while also being certified low kickback. Oregon H73 18" saw chain Fits Homelite and Solo models
The low-vibration, low kickback chain offers outstanding performance. For saw sizes 38-62 cc that run .325 Inch Pitch, .058 Inch (1.5 mm) gauge, 72 drive links
Designed for occasional chainsaw users including property owners and landscapers
Micro Chisel cutters with small-radius working corners for excellent performance in hardwood and easy maintenance
Built-in Lubri-Tec automatic oiling system extends the life of your chain by delivering oil to key parts of the chain so you can work smarter with less downtime and maintenance