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Loctite Epoxy Metal/Concrete is a two-part system consisting of an epoxy resin and a hardener. The convenient syringe dispenses equal amounts of each component every time. When mixed in equal volumes, resin and hardener react to produce a tough, rigid, high strength bond in 5 to 12 minutes. It is used as an adhesive for repairing, filling and rebuilding all metal and concrete surfaces. Loctite Epoxy Metal / Concrete does not conduct electricity which is ideal for sealing electrical components. It cures to a metallic gray finish and can be easily sanded or machined. It does not shrink and is resistant to water and most common solvents. Loctite Epoxy Metal/Concrete is designed for bonding metal and concrete as well as glass, ceramic and wood. Use for repairing machinery, appliances, tools, lawnmowers, automotive components, pipes, imbedding bolts and screws into metals, concrete or stone and sealing electrical components against moisture and vibration.
For Concrete and Metal Projects: Permanent, high-strength bond works great on railings, awnings, posts, brick, concrete and cinderblock without conducting electricity
Fast and Professional: High-strength epoxy sets in just 5 to 12 minutes to a metallic grey finish to blend with metal and concrete
Two-Part Adhesive: Convenient double syringe applicator dispenses equal parts epoxy resin and hardener for a tough, rigid, high-strength bond
Resilient: Does not shrink and is resistant to humidity and water, most common solvents, and has high impact resistance and can be sanded, drilled, and painted
Multi-Purpose: Versatile epoxy can be used as an adhesive for a wide range of materials like tile, wood, metal, ceramic, and glass or as a filler for gap filling, surface repairs and laminating
High Strength
0.85 ounce
5 minute (time unit)
Indoor and Outdoor
24 hour
Metal Concrete Glass Fiberglass Ceramic Wood Certa